Angleška revija Singletrack Magazine je v celoti namenjena gorskim kolesarjem. V vsaki številki objavijo tudi reportažo o kakšnem lepem kraju. V 45. številki lanskega letnika sta Slovenijo obiskala Matt in Dave, skupaj z Markom iz Mobile Adventures Biking prekolesarila nekaj lepih poti ter napisala zanimiv in nadvse berljiv članek.

"There are trails here for everyone. No matter what type of ridingyou prefer Slovenia will have something to offer, and someone toguide you. You will not become immune to the natural beauty ofthe countryside nor to the great hospitality on offer. Sometimes youhave to work to get that reward but I promise you it will be worth itand within minutes of the descent starting the climb will already beforgotten."
Tole je samo delček besedila, tukaj pa je celoten članek s čudovitimi fotografijami (PDF).